
133 8 2

Advice Request
This person and her crush have confirmed their feelings for each other, but she feels uncomfortable with prospect of being boyfriend-girlfriend.

Answered Submission
To quote someone: "There is nothing to fear but fear itself." I'm quite happy that you both know you two have feelings for each other, but I believe you're hesitant because you're afraid of what's going to happen next. This is perfectly fine and justifiable. (:

You two also seem to be pretty close. You mentioned how you had a good friendship relationship with him, which means you are both comfortable with each other. With that being said, he should understand that you're not too sure about where this entire relationship is going. And if you're having a hard time trying to come up with a way to explain it to him (which is perfectly understandable), perhaps you can text him. Texting usually makes the situation a lot less embarrassing/ intimidating, and it also gives you time to think about what you want to say and exactly how you want to say it. You should also tell him how you're not comfortable with his flirting, or as you mentioned, a ring. It might be hard for him to take it at first, but you two were good friends, so worry not. (:

Hope this helped!
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