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Advice Request
This person is feeling guilty to be in a relationship just after ending the previous one.

Answered Submission
Hello there!

Before I proceed with my advice for you, I want to tell you that you’re not bothering us. You can come to us a hundred times or more, and we won’t mind, because we are here to help. We wouldn't open an advice account if we didn't want people to ask for our help, right?

Now, I want you to understand that seeking companionship doesn’t make anyone a slut. It doesn’t matter if you’re a guy or if you’re a girl, companionship is something that all of us yearn for. If we are not programmed to yearn for companionship, why would there be seven billion people on earth?

It does make you feel like a slut for moving on from your previous relationship very quickly because this is what society has us believe. However, it doesn’t make you a slut. Since when does having feelings makes you a slut? Moreover, everyone experiences their life at a different pace. Some people fall in love after a year, while others fall in love in a week.

So, my advice would be to not worry about it, and just go for it! Ask him/her out, or, if it’s still too early for that, don’t be afraid to explore your feelings for him/her.

Just remember that you’re not a slut for liking someone.

With lots of love,

The Advice Column Team

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