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Advice Request
This person feels alone because they do not have a close friend with whom they can share their feelings and problems with.

Answered Submission
Hi there!

Personally, I want to say that what you're experiencing is my biggest fear of all time. It's never easy to think that we could never have a close companion to share our feelings with, to share our stories with, and to share our life with. It's imprinted in humans' nature to have companionship.

About being left out of in the group you're hanging out with: I know how hard it is for you to go through that kind of experience. Being left out in a group is never a nice feeling, but maybe their group is just not for you. You can always try to endure it for now and hope that one day you won't feel left out anymore, but don't force yourself to endure it if it affects your feelings and mental state. No one deserves to be left out. You can try talking to them about it, but I won't force you to do it. Sometimes, things are just not meant to be that way.

You've mentioned that you've been hanging out with your brother's friends. I would advise you to keep on hanging out with them, because you said they are some of the closest people to you. You also said that you are close with your soccer team, your mom, and your first-and-only best friend. Hang out with them! They're your friends too, and even if you don't meet with your best friend, it's okay; she's still your friend. Not meeting someone doesn't mean that you're not friends with them. If it's possible, try to stay connected to her by texting her or even calling her.

Don't think that you'll only have acquaintances all your life because life always throws us surprises, and, usually, we never expect them. Even if this sounds impossible, you could possibly be meeting your new best friend tomorrow or even today.

Don't lose faith, and never give up. We meet people in very unexpected ways sometimes.

You could join a club at school, or, if there are any at your local neighbourhood, you could join a youth group and make new friends there.

The most important thing is to just not give up.

I really hope this helps, because I understand the feeling that you have. I wish you the best of luck.

With lots of love,

The Advice Column Team

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