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Advice Request
This person likes a girl who doesn't like her back.

Answered Submission
We’ve all been in a place where we liked someone we can’t have or liked someone who comforted us when we’re down (or both), but you must realize that a crush is a crush.

You know what’s funny? You can love someone today and they might never feel the same way. Or a few months/years down the road, they tell you they feel the same way. We never know how things work out, so hold your head up, smile, and look pretty. When you’re going through bad times, it’s easy to want physical affection and love. A lot of that stems from the fact that you don’t love yourself, and you’re looking for something static to grab onto.

It’s sad, but we can’t depend on love. We need to push our boundaries, accept ourselves, address the problems holding us back, and move on. You need to move one. Find a hobby you’re passionate about and stick to it. Proving to yourself that you’re capable of doing something great will be the best feeling. As for giving your friend advice: Be blunt; tell her what you believe is the right thing to say. While some friends don’t accept the reality of the situation immediately, they eventually reach the same conclusion on their own. Just be there for her. And if you ever work up enough courage, tell her how you feel.  We imagine the worst possible scenario a lot of the times, and people aren’t as negative as they are in our mind. She cares about you. You might have an awkward laugh about it, but just clear the air.

Bonne chance (Good luck in French)!

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