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Advice Request
This person harbors a deep hatred for the high school they are enrolled in.

Answered Submission
Hey darling,

High school can be a very tough place to be in, speaking from experience. All these different things are thrown at you from all different directions, and you're expected to juggle about fifty things at once, and you only have two hands. But not all of it is bad, okay? I know it's hard, but, sometimes, you need to disregard those negativities and focus on the good.

Alright. First things first: you need to clear things up with your mom. One job of any parent is to ensure that their child's future is secure so that they can live comfortably with little to no difficulty. It seems as if your mother is no exception. My best bet is that she is having trouble acknowledging that you are fast- approaching adulthood and will soon become independent. You are still her little baby no matter the circumstances. Just always keep in mind that she wants the best for you, even if your ideas and hers don't always quite match up.

The next problem you need to tackle is to have her recognize your deep-rooted hatred for the school you attend. As you are too shy to say it to her face, I think just texting, emailing, or even writing her a note is your best route to go. Confrontation, even with your own mother, is plenty scary, but using any of the methods listed above may eradicate any potential unnecessary confrontation that you don't want. You know your mother best, so you also know how she handles things. You need to fully express your thoughts with nothing left out. It might be hard for her at first, but once she sees you are serious, things may change.

Another thing you can do is to talk to a counselor. Although your school doesn't have any activities that perhaps a typical high school has, there should be at least a counselor. Counselors are trained in these type of things, and their only job is to help you. They won't judge or anything—I promise. If you are afraid to approach them, write a note and slide it to them during your visit. ☺

Most importantly, this is affecting your health. Darling, this isn't okay. Your health is far above your education. If you ever need help or just someone to talk to, don't hesitate to contact http://www.befrienders.org/need-to-talk. We do care if you overdose or you attempt to end your life. Everyone at The Advice Column wants you to be happy from the bottom of our hearts. If this becomes a bigger issue, definitely contact a health care professional. In the meantime, turn your attention to something else, such as exercise or maybe art. Focus your mind on something so you can distract yourself.

Wishing you the best of luck,

The Advice Column Team

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