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Advice Request
This person is struggling with depression. Their mother is concerned about them, but they keep pushing her away.

Answered Submission
Your condition isn't healthy, so before you react to this answer, I want you to open your mind a bit and let everything I say sink in.

Depression isn't healthy, and you know that. What is worse is that you are not trying to change it. And even if you're trying, you're not trying hard enough. Your mother keeps asking you because she is worried about you. She cares for you and she loves you. The fact that you keep building up all these emotions and feelings inside of you is making you snap at her and lash at others too. You're human, and there's only so much that your body can bear. It has it's own way of balancing everything. If you keep building everything up inside, you're going to explode. No one would want that. You have to know that there's nothing wrong in talking about how you feel, nor is there anything wrong with letting it all out.

You need to vent.

We all need to vent periodically. 

I totally understand where you're coming from, so I'm going to give you a simple solution. Write down your feelings in a diary or a notebook. Pretend there's someone listening to you and that that someone isn't going to judge you, nor criticize you for having such thoughts and feelings. Keep it private.  If it still doesn't help, you need to go back and get that much needed counselling. You can tell your mother calmly,that you need to go alone. From what you have told us, I think she will understand.

Also know that not all psychologists use the same approaches to solving problems, so if you don't feel the psychologist you visited in the past benefited you, considering getting a different psychologist. That may be helpful.

Smile, please? Thank you. :)

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