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Advice Request
This person isn't sure what to do in a situation there in that deals with a person they haven't talked to in a while.

Answered Submission
Hey there!

This is a very tough question, so I understand why you're stumped. Only start talking again if he will compliment your life. If he makes life harder or more complicated for you, then I wouldn't recommend texting back. However, if you miss him and can deal with the relationship problems he may bring between you and your boyfriend, then go for it. I personally understand why your boyfriend may be frustrated by this boy since he does seem clingy and require a lot of attention, but you are to make the final decision. If you can handle it, go for it. Also, make sure you don't try to hide that you're talking to this boy from your boyfriend. I don't think you would do this, but I thought I would mention it just in case it crossed your mind. That'll be a problem waiting to arise. If this helps make your decision, I would not start talking to him again. I love helping people; that's why I do this in my free time, but you are not a psychologist, and you have no responsibility for this kid, so don't ever feel like you HAVE to bear his burden. You said it yourself: he creates issues for himself. I don't know him, but it sounds like he thrives in the attention people show him.

I hope you come to a decision that benefits you!


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