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Advice Request
This person isn't sure if they should give the person they like a chance or not.

Answered Submission

Wow. I'm really glad you sorted things out with him, and I hope he's biting his tongue on what he thinks about your friends and family now. I remember how much that hurt you. It sounds like he treats you really well, which is great! I'm so sorry to hear about your abuse. I hope you're okay now and that the people inflicting the emotional bashings are out of your life now. This boy is clearly interested in you, and I can tell from your advice request that you're interested in him. That is why I've concluded that you should definitely give it a chance. What's the worst that could happen? You could get hurt, but everybody gets hurt. Is he worth the risk? Maybe you should wait until you meet him next year. People can seem totally different online compared to real life. Do you think he may be the one?

We hope everything goes smoothly!

The Advice Column Team

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