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Advice Request
This person is lovesick.

Answered Submission
Firstly dear, you aren't alone.
Love sickness affects everyone at some point or the other. To cure yourself, you just need to make sense of the thoughts in your head and weigh your options out. Let's begin!

Okay, let's start with David. How much do you like him? Do you think that you're willing to take your relationship to the next level? Remember that he's your best friend and getting involved with him in a love relationship will change the relationship that you have. Are you ready for that change, and are you willing to accept it? Would you be able to cope with losing your best friend?—for your relationship may have a few bumps, and both of you may agree to break it off. Remember that having that would be difficult to be able to go back to the relationship you once had. You have the comfort of knowing that he likes you back, so that's one plus already.
As for Austin, know that if David really likes you, he will respect your decision to keep your relationship silent (if that's what you want). On the other hand, you can talk to David beforehand and explain things to him—perhaps warn him about what Austin may do or say. After this, to hell with what Austin does or says. Take comfort from the fact that David and you are happy—if you choose to go that way.

"H," unfortunately, will need to be talked to by you then. Do not come off as harsh or rude. Rather explain to him kindly that your feelings for him are no more than that of a friend. Be sure to go easy on him, for it won't be pretty otherwise. Keep his feelings in mind and tell him that you don't mind being his friend. Explain to him that what you're saying isn't to hurt him but just to help him as you don't want to see him hurt later on. Let him know what a great guy he is and give him hope that someone will come along.

This is something that you have do give a great deal of thought to. Remember that you like her, and she's straight. If you make your feelings for her known, she may be repulsed by you and may even tell others. Are you willing to be seen by your entire school as a bisexual? If your parents found out, what would their reaction be? Is your community one that is open to bisexualism and, if not, are you willing to take that risk? Remember that if she turns you down, it can lead to humiliation. On the flip side, it could turn out in exactly the opposite way. What you really need to do is ask yourself these questions and sort through their answers. Go through the feelings that you have for each person and decide which are stronger—which are most likely to lead to a happy relationship. Remember that your happiness if the ultimate goal here. Write it down if that helps. Then, weigh the pros and cons out and make your decision.

All the best!

The Advice Column Team

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