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Advice Request
This person has a friend who seems to be stealing their best friend away from them, and they don't know what to do.

Answered Submission
What you can do is talk to this new friend. It's important to approach her nicely. Don't be harsh, and don't be hostile. Perhaps there's an important reason behind why she's doing all of this. You are going to have to figure out why she's doing all of this. First, start out by being honest with her. Tell her not only have you noticed that she's stealing your friend away from you but two other girls have too. Is it true? ask her. Make sure to consider everything she says, especially all of her answers because, sometimes, we tend to perceive the wrong thing. Allow her to explain herself, and if she isn't thorough, don't be afraid to tell her to explain in detail. Let her know how all of this makes you feel, and make sure to clarify that your friend is your friend, and she will continue to be your friend no matter what. It's important that you tell her that she can continue being friends with you and your friend, but you just don't want to be a third wheel. Quick reminder: Don't be harsh while being honest. Be assertive-not passive, nor aggressive! If things don't work out, then go to your best friend and tell her the truth. Follow the same guide I shared with you for both of your friends.

We wish you the best of luck!

The Advice Column Team

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