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Advice Request
This person seems to think they are not pretty enough and is confused whether their crush likes them back or not.

Answered Submission
Hey, Dearie!

Welcome to our humble "office." We're glad to see that you're here for advice.

I'm going to break this advice in half. First of all, we'll cover the issue with your self confidence. Dear, don't do this to yourself. Don't put yourself down to the point that you can never get back up. Don't feed yourself lies. You're stuck in this endless cycle, when you honestly need a reason to justify why you have all these conflicting emotions. You are so much more than this—than all of that. You are beautiful, plain and simple. I can see it, even if I've never met you and probably never will. You are worth it. You are so beautiful that thousands upon thousands of men couldn't even begin to deserve you. You are utterly and completely you, and don't ever change, because, no matter how cliche this sounds, you are perfect just the way you are.

Second: your love life. Dear, I'm sure you've heard this before, but you have so much ahead of you. You, honestly, are a little young to be going through the emotional stress of constantly wondering what goes on in someone else's head. You won't ever find that out, trust me. You have ahead of you many, many relationships, if you so choose. That's my advice, frankly. If you honestly think he is the one, give it time. Do you actually know him? If you're still at the point that you're playing Twenty Questions, then you don't actually know him. Knowing him, once you do, is how you know whether he is truly someone you can like—someone you can see yourself with. If it drags on, just remember: time is key. Patience goes a long way, Dear. You've got this in the bag. Whatever you choose, just go with your gut. It'll tell you more than your brain can in this type of situation.

We trust you'll do what's right. Good luck in this situation and in all of your future prospects.

Sending you love,

The Advice Column Team.

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