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Advice Request
This person is feeling depressed.

Answered Submission
Hi there!

It's perfectly natural to feel depressed, even if you have a great family who is all happy. Have you had any stressful times recently, such as exam stress or a bereavement? Any of these things can lead to feeling depressed.

I would suggest that you try to find a different hobby and work on it, or continue to take part in a hobby you already have, whether that be reading, writing, sports, arts and crafts, or anything else. It's especially important that you carry on doing something if you find happiness and gratitude doing it, as that could make you feel less depressed.

Also, speak to your family about how you're feeling because they wouldn't want you to be going through this on your own and will want to help you. Try to speak to a doctor about it as well because they might be able to prescribe you something and will be able to help you in a medical sense.

It is important that you don't let the depression affect your day-to-day life. If it does, or has already started to, then it is advised that you seek medical help to get you through it.

In the meantime, continue to spend time with your family as much as you can, and carry on participating in whatever hobbies and interests you have. Trust me, it will help to have the support of your family and the enjoyment of doing something you love to take your mind off it.

Hope you start to feel better soon,

The Advice Column Team

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