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Advice Request
This person is too afraid to tell someone that they like them in fear of not being liked back.

Answered Submission
From what you've said, I think it's clear that he's interested in you. Whether that's romantic or sexual is completely up to him. However, the fact that he is also a major flirt/playboy is just as prominent. Flirting with other girls in front of you may be a sign that you're not anymore special to him than all those other girls. . .Orrrrrr, it can be a way to make you jealous! I personally deem the latter as ineffective, but boys are confusing at times, so I guess you'll have to determine that yourself. You mention how you only began to like him when he started to ignore you. This suggests to me that you enjoy the attention that he shows you, and you missed it when he stopped showing so much. This can be easily confused with feelings, but despite my views, I don't know what's really going on with your heart. For this reason, my advice to you would be to give it a chance.

Life is short. If you feel like you'll regret not telling him how you feel, then tell him. That being said, only tell him if you are 100% certain of your feelings because faking it never ends well (I speak from experience).

Things to ask yourself (or perhaps even write down and answer on a piece of paper):

1. Are you serious about making this relationship work?

2. Do you actually have romantic feelings for him?

3. Do you see yourself with him for a long time?

4. Would it affect you to an extreme extent if you did not date him?

5. What do you really like about him?

Good luck, and we hope it all works out!

The Advice Column Team

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