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Advice Request
This person has a crush on someone, and wants to be less nervous around him.

Answered Submission
Hello there! To start off, we've all been in that situation. It is a bit hard to be your normal self around someone you like, but if the person really is right for you, he will love you for it.

Your conversational abilities with him are most likely limited because of both factors—he is your crush and your anxiety. Eye contact is key to any relationship, as it can build a trust right away. To help keep eye contact, I suggest not staring directly into his eyes, but rather in that general area. This will make it seem like you are making eye contact, but also not cause you any discomfort.

As for your habit of fiddling with things, I suggest taking deep breaths instead. There is no need to be nervous around him, as he is your friend and likes you for who you are. You two also probably have something in common, such as the same classes or similar interests. Rather than thinking up of things at the top of your head to speak about, talk about the class or maybe even a topic you are passionate about.

However, the easiest and least stressful way to converse freely with him is to text him. Texting takes away any nervousness you would normally have while being face-to-face with someone.

Most of all, just be yourself!

Best of luck,

The Advice Column Team

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