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Advice Request
This person's best friend seems to have drifted away from them and seems to be closer to another person now.

Answered Submission
This is way too common, and it's extremely sad that these things happen to some people. Friendships are to last forever if possible. Once there are barriers, they start to fade off. Barriers can include age or maturity, and these are just two examples.

For a solution, don't be afraid to tell your friend that you've been feeling extremely left out lately. Be honest with her and tell her that she means a lot to you, and for that reason, you wish to continue being her friend instead of being left out so much, especially when she's with her new friend/s. If you talk to her and that doesn't work out, give it time. It's important to be patient, alright, love? She might just need to time adjust to all of the new changes in both of your lives, especially since you guys are in a new school now. If a long time passes and things still haven't worked out, then try again and again so you can show her that, although you're struggling for your friendship, you're willing to preserve it. This might cause her to realize that you truly are a great friend. If you try all that I've said and it doesn't work out, then it's going to be time to stop being her friend. I'm sure it's going to be difficult, but being a third wheel to someone, someone drifting away from you for no legitimate reason, or being left out by someone just because that person has a new friend isn't something anyone, including you, should tolerate. We all deserve recognition and acknowledgment by all people, especially friends!

It would be time to move on and find new friends. Start fresh! That's always a good thing. Granted: it won't be easy, but it's going to help you realize that there are others out there who will want to be very great friends with you! 💛 During all of this, you don't have to necessarily hate your old friend or stop talking to her completely. You can still hang out with her but only on things like special occasions or catching up every once in a while.

The most important thing is to always remind yourself that with our without this friend, you will still be the strong person you are.

We wish you the very best!

The Advice Column Team

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