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Advice Request
This person wants to get rid of their feelings for someone.

Answered Submission
Hey, Darling!

It's wonderful that you've come to us to help you get through your problem! Unfortunately, my advice to you may not be what you hoped it would be. The cold, hard truth is this: there is no actual, proven solution to your type of problem. There is no way to suddenly get over feelings for someone. As with all things that are worth anything, it takes time and patience. You need to give yourself time to get over him all on your own. Don't distance yourself from him while trying to get over your feelings; in fact, that's the opposite of what you should do. Instead, get yourself used to the fact that he will be a constant presence in your life, but as a friend. You know the phrase "fake it 'til you make it"? That's the best advice you can abide by. Eventually, in time, if you pretend as though you don't feel a shred of attraction towards him, you will convince yourself of this. After all, love and all its forms are a mere chemical released by the brain, and, like all chemicals, it can be regulated. You can do this. Best of luck!

With love,

The Advice Column Team

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