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Advice Request

This person doesn't know whether to tell someone that she likes them or not.   

Answered Submission

Welcome back, my dear! As always, we're happy to have you here!

My advice for you is going to be short and sweet this time. I think that it's wonderful that you have someone who, I'm pretty sure, likes you as much as you like him. My advice: Go for it. No regrets. Your affection for him should kind of be like liquid courage. And if he turns you down, which I'm pretty sure he won't, that's okay. Either way, I know that you'll be all right in the end. Just know that disclosing your feelings is always worth the risk than being weighed down by your secret! Live in the moment always because, once its gone, it's never coming back. I know this is a little overrated, but that doesn't make it any less true: you only live once. Live your life freely, Dear! We wish you the best of luck with this and all of your future endeavors!

With love,

The Advice Column Team

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