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Advice Request
This person would like to be a fashion designer but they feel they do better in psychology.

Answered Submission
Hello! What I can advise you to do the most is to not follow what others think you should do, but do what you believe you should do. Don't take this lightly; if you make the wrong choice, you will regret it, and it will be very difficult to go back.

First of all, there is a flaw in your logic. You say that you score better in the subject of psychology, correct? But you score better than what? Last I checked, there were no exams for fashion design that could be effectively weighed against psychology. Even if there were, you could not logically compare the two. Psychology utilizes the left side of the brain—the more analytical, logical side—while fashion design utilizes the right side of the brain–the more creative, visualizing side. You use two completely different sides of the brain in doing these separate activities.

Honestly, if you love something, then go after that passion. Don't let others fill your head with self-doubt about yourself and your potential. You may see that you do well in psychology, but that doesn't mean that you don't have potential to do amazingly in fashion design. You should stop caring about what others think you should be and start focusing on creating your own person instead. Those people have no business whatsoever telling you what to do for the rest of your life. They are loading their aspirations onto you. Don't be one of those unhappy people stuck in a miserable career for the rest of their lives. Carve YOUR own path, YOUR own life, and YOUR own you.

And if you ever think that a fashion designer can do nothing in life, just look at the successful designers in the business. Do you think they got there with full support? Nope! They fought and clawed their way to the top—tooth and nail—every step of the way. If you want to get where you aspire to be in life, you have to FIGHT for it. That self-doubt will get you nowhere. You have to man/woman up, and go get 'em! And, as always...


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