
642 28 4

Advice Request
This person has been feeling depressed for the passed year, and people are staring to notice. They laugh it out and pretend as if they're actually happy. Nothing is wrong in their life, yet they're dying on the inside.

Answered Submission
Depression is a serious mental illness that millions of people suffer from. It is universally accepted to receive help when we experience physical pain, but when we're experiencing internal pain, it is shunned to admit that we need help. This is unfortunate, so those of us who are going through depression need to stand up and speak out. Your obliged to willingly admit that you are depressed as that is the first step to overcoming this issue. Once you accept and acknowledge that you are internally hurting, then you must reach out for help. It is not possible to receive help until you realize that you are experiencing an issue, so make sure to come to terms with this. Anyhow, reaching out for help means approaching the people you love most, including your family. Talk to them privately, and then tell them your problem. As soon as you feel physical pain, you would probably be ready to tell your doctor right away, right? Well, the same works here: As soon as one starts to experience depression, they should reach other for help. Discuss your problem with your beloved one; both of yo should talk about how you feel, why you feel that way, and what you can do to beat this problem, and where you can go to find the support you need. After you have an answer to these questions, act immediately! Do not procrastinate. The more you wait to go to the doctor for a physical problem the worse it will get, and the same pretty much works with depression: the more you wait the worse it will get. We were not saying this to scare you, but rather to simply inform you of what you need to be cautious of. In the meantime, distract yourself by committing to your hobbies. For instance, you can play the violin not only when you want to but when you need to as well. This means once you start to feel down, you go, grab that instrument, and distract yourself with it. Express yourself through poetry! Write poems about how you feel or how you can help yourself. You can even write poems about things like strength or optimism. Use these simple tools to help you stay happy instead of depressed.
Consider visiting a social worker, psychologist, counselor, or anyone of the like on a regular basis. They'll help you whenever you need to be helped.

We hope you find happiness soon! 💜

The Advice Column Team

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