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Advice Request

This person has a crush on her best friend's brother.

Answered Submission

Honestly, if you like the guy, you should go for it. But I can't control what you do! Even though this is all up to you, I will give you some advice to help you make the decision.Talk to your friend and ask her why she would be uncomfortable with her friend and her brother dating. The answer may seem obvious, but you never know; it could be for a different reason. I would tell her that you like her brother, and see how she reacts. Then whatever happens is supposed to happen, and you will get through it!Respect your friend's opinions, and be aware of her discomfort with you two dating. Try not to hang out too much around her, as she may get irritated with you.  This is all up to you though! I wish you the best of luck, and remember that there have been thousands of girls who have been through this before, so it's not just you.
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