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Advice Request
This person is not confident about their writing.

Answered Submission
Hello, Love!

I deal with this on the daily, so I relate so much. No matter the person, we all are capable of writing. You need to believe in yourself and write. It may take time to really believe in yourself, but eventually you will. One thing I recommend is looking for writing tip books on Wattpad or plot shops to help you out. They provide you with help and ideas with writing. Overall, building the confidence for writing may take time, but that is okay. Every day, you need to think to yourself that you are good at writing. Building confidence in your writing is like working out a muscle—you just need to keep writing in order for it to develop!

I hope you find the confidence you're looking for. The team and I wish you all the luck and love!

Believe in yourself,
The Advice Column Team

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