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Advice Request
This person isn't sure whether to confront their friend or not about something they did.

Answered Submission
This is as confusing as it is kiddish too. Yes, your friend is going through a hard time and it doesn't look like she's coping well with her loss.  I'd suggest you talk to her in private, but kindly. If you confront her saying, "I know it's you and you aren't doing right," she's probably gonna flip and actually make it worse. I want you to start off a conversation with her, and then gradually come down to this subject, but you should make sure you're in no way sounding like you're against her.  Yes, she was wrong in complaining that you guys bullied her when you didn't, but let's just not start a fight here. You should also know that you weren't right in talking behind her back either, so, really, more than one person is at fault here. If she still doesn't agree to take back her words, then you should speak up for yourself.

We hope everything gets resolved.

The Advice Column Team

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