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Advice Request
This girl is afraid and worried for two of her friends.

Answered Submission
Hi there. Thank you for coming to us for advice!

It is never easy finding out someone that you know has tried to commit suicide, especially if that person is someone who you care about. Nowadays, you always hear stories about people committing suicide, but that doesn't mean it lessens the shock from hearing it happening to someone you know.

With the increasing cases like this, it is very important for everyone to know how to deal with these scenarios. We should do our best in offering support and help to other people.

Your love towards your friends is very deep that the feelings are even shared towards their friends. Befriending the girl is one of the best things you can do to help her.

Aside from that, you can help the girl by showing her that you care about her, which can be shown straightforwardly or even through tiny bits of everyday behaviours.

• You can tell her that you care for her, but make sure that you prove your words with actions, which I think you are already doing the moment you become friends with her.
• You can also share with her about your life. Make her feel that she has an important part in your life. You can talk to her about your cats, about your family, or even about the things you like to do.
• Do activities with her. Include her in some hangouts with your close friend. Ask her to do stuff with you. As I said earlier, make sure she feels like she's included in your life and not just an unimportant person that people ditch whenever they want to.
• Listen to her. If she's not comfortable enough to talk to you yet, you can always share this advice to your close friend. It's very important to listen to other people because everyone has to vent out things once in a while. You can only keep things bottled up for so long before they evolve into something bad.
• Don't ever make her feel like you are judging her for her actions. Be understanding.

If you've already done all of these things, then keep it up. Just keep on supporting her through everything. You can always search about this topic on websites about suicide or mental illnesses, if you want more advice. Those pages offer a lot of articles about how to help suicidal people.

As for what you are going to do to help your close friend: just be there for her through everything. Support her, because almost everyone needs support in their lives to always be motivated. Your close friend is also a human with feelings, and so are you. Don't forget to take care of your own health (physically and mentally) because we are ALL important.

I understand where your close friend is coming from regarding her worries about the girl committing suicide and how it could be her fault due to the fact that, right now, the girl is hanging on because of your close friend. Tell her not to worry too much about it. She must have been doing things the right way because, if she didn't, she wouldn't be the reason why the girl is still alive. The girl likes her, and she just has to keep on being there for her.

Just continue to support the girl, and make sure your close friend takes care of her own health (also mentally and physically).

However, whatever may happen in the future, don't ever blame your own selves because, from the way I see it right now, you guys are doing your best to help the girl, and she is lucky to have you guys as her friends.

If you ever feel like you're at your wits end, remember that God is with you, and you can always pray for Him to give you guidance. You can also share your problems with your closest family members, or you can come to us again. We are always here to help.

Representing the Advice Column Team, I wish you the best of luck, and may the girl get better and have an amazing life, and you and your close friend have great health and an amazing life as well.

With love,

The Advice Column Team

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