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Advice Request
This person is experiencing a couple of different problems.

Answered Submission
Hey, sweetheart. :)

I know exactly how you're feeling right now. First of all, just pause whatever you're doing, put a halt on all your thoughts and all your feelings, and read this.

Whatever you're going through is a test. This is just a phase, and no matter how hard it is to believe right now, you WILL get through it.

This is how life works: it's unpredictable, it's crappy, and, at times, it feels like it's too difficult for you to go on. You see, this little heart of yours is a bit broken-it is bruised and hurting-and I know it feels like it's hard to breathe, but that heart is still working. It is still pumping blood and beating and letting you know that it is working; it will keep working.

That's a ray of hope right there, don't you think?

We all grow through our experiences, and this is one of the many hardships you're facing, because you have something big in store for you.

The first step is to push away all the negative thoughts (I know that it's easier said than done, but TRY). Now, set your mind on this: no matter what life has to throw at you, you are ready to take it, 'cause, Darling, you're strong, and I believe in you. Self-harming yourself-that's not how you're going to sort this out. Take out a paper and a pen, and scribble, or draw, or just throw all your frustration out on it. Or maybe just get out of the house and go to a place where you can feel the nature. Take a step forward to loving yourself and your body. Just because others are hurting you doesn't mean you have to do it too. You're too precious for that. We all make mistakes, and we repent and move on.

Forget that so called "best friend." Ignore the people who bully you. If they don't stop, you will have to involve an older person in this to make it stop.

Your parents will hopefully come around one day. Be patient, yeah?

Spend a lot of time with yourself. Discover your talents-your hidden self. I'm sure you love something that you'd like to do on a daily basis. Smile at a stranger, help a needy person, just do anything that makes you and others feel better. Stay away from people who give you negative vibes. Honey, I really, really want to help you in some way.

Keep contacting us on how you're doing, and I hope one day you realize how beautiful of a person you are.

Lots of love,

The Advice Column Team

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