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Advice Request
This person isn't sure if this guy likes them or not.

Answered Submission
Hello, my dear.

Thank you for coming to us for advice, first of all.

Boys are some of the most confusing creatures on the planet, and I say this with one hundred percent certainty, because we're girls. You can never truly hope to understand anyone completely (let alone a guy) unless they tell you exactly what they are thinking. My advice is as follows: you need to sort out whether your feelings for him are there because he has been doing those specific acts lately, because your feelings have always been there, or because of who he truly is. If you want the actual insight into what is going on, don't take your friend's word for it. Go ask him yourself. Let's say, theoretically, lots of people have been telling you that he likes you, and it turns out to be true—if it is, great, you can confess; if it isn't, don't make it awkward. It's only awkward if you make it. Just resume being his friend. More likely than not, he's in the same boat as you and is confused about his feelings as well. He might just be one of those affectionate friends. Don't make a big deal out of it. I think that you should just resume life as normal. If you are truly curious, follow the above advice. If not, just let things play out. It's always more fun that way. If it leads to a relationship, that's great. But it is also as equally wonderful if this leads to a really close friendship that will last many years. You've got yourself some good options here. You'll be fine.

Take care and stay safe.

The Advice Column Team

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