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Advice Request
This person is confused whether they still like a person or not.

Answered Submission
Hi there,

First of all, try to ask yourself what happened in the dream. Was a relationship developing? Did you and your crush speak? Did you get interrupted? Was it just two friends hanging out? Answering these questions might help you understand how you are feeling, as only you know what has happened in your dream.

In the subconscious mind, our desire and fantasy of how nice it would be to have that one thing we want the most takes shape. This might be the case for you. Sometimes dreaming of a crush—especially a former crush who you thought you had gotten over—can be associated with you not having fulfilled your desire of being with her. If she remained a crush and nothing developed between you two, this might be why you are dreaming about her again. Alternatively, if a relationship did develop between you two, then your dreaming could mean that you're simply reminiscing about what you had together.

Dreaming about a crush (or former crush) is nothing to worry about; we all do it. Personally, I have done so on numerous accounts. My reason was that I knew I couldn't be with them—so not fulfilling a desire.

Are the feelings mutual? If you don't know, then this would be a perfect opportunity to get to know her more than you already do. Try talking to her throughout the day or spend some time with her, either with a group of friends or as just the two of you.

All in all, try not to overthink your feelings towards her. Feelings are sometimes complicated and difficult to figure out, especially after having dreamt about someone who you thought you had gotten over. Don't rush to make a decision on whether you still like her or not; the way you're feeling now might fade. Let your feelings develop naturally together, if possible, because spending time together and getting to know her more might help you feel less confused.

Take care and keep smiling,

The Advice Column Team

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