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Advice Request
This person is having complications with someone in their life.

Answered Submission
Hi, Dear.

Your situation is a bit confusing and saddening. Sometimes, you find yourself in a position where you don't know what you are supposed to be doing, and if you choose either option A or option B, you're going to end up hurting someone.

I'm glad that you were honest to him about your feelings. He seems to be slightly emotionally disturbed to me. I feel like he's being irrational by telling you to stay away if you just want to be friends—seems more like an obsession than love. I think you should ask him to give you time. Tell him that you are confused, and if he loves you, he will try to understand and give you your time and space.

About your best friend, try to talk to her when she's not upset with you anymore. I personally think it would be great if you move in with her instead of A, because you and her have been best friends for ages and you've known A for only a few months.

Like I said before, any decision you take is probably going to hurt either one of them, but you should do what your heart says and go with what it will find peace in.

Talk to your best friend, and if in case you decide to stick with your previous plan of living with her, then ask her opinion on what you should say to A.

It's going to be hard, but in the end, it will all be worth it.

Stay awesome,

The Advice Column Team

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