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Advice Request
This person is struggling with a few things.

Answered Submission
Hi! I can’t express to you how many times I’ve have been in your position when it came to popularity in high school and wondering what I’m going to do in the future.

But let’s begin with your relationship. I’ve “dated” guys because of the image they held in school, and yes, it was totally wrong. But if you really didn’t like him and you both were just in a bad relationship, I guess it’s normal for him to move on. That doesn’t make you a loser, though. That just makes him look like a bad guy, really. There are millions of guys in the world, and you’ll find that one person who makes you happy and you really like. ;) Don’t worry because we’ve all been down that road. I guess for me, I just focused my attention on school. Guys are guys. They aren’t extinct, and there are plenty of them, but instead of looking for one, maybe wait until one pops up. Fries before guys, right? And the popularity thing is something I’ve let get to me so many times in life. I remember secluding myself from many people during my first two years of high school. I hated myself and everything about my life. I honestly felt like just saying goodbye to the world, but then I decided to try and at least make a friend. I made one and we’re still close until this day. She’s one of the reasons I think I’m really content with life now. You don’t need a thousand friends to make you feel popular. Just find one, and that void you feel now will slowly disappear. Even find a couple—a small group of people that you really connect with. That’s a lot better than a bunch of people who don't really care about you but their image, agree? Now with your dreams, I hated not knowing what I want to do with my life. I felt like I was just existing, but with, like, no purpose besides God. I wanted something to accomplish and strive for. You don’t need to worry about the future now. Worry about the present, and those decisions will affect your future. If you just worry about the future, you won’t see what’s right in front of you. There are plenty of students in college now with no direction of what they want to do, and that’s okay. It isn’t something you need to know the minute you get to preschool or even high school. You can make that decision whenever you are ready. For now, focus on your self-confidence and being happy. And if there is a specific hobby that you love, who knows? Maybe you already found your future.

I hope I was able to help you out. If there is anything else we can help you out with, please PM us!

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