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Advice Request
This person broke up with their boyfriend, and is, thus, bear broken, especially since he was their first lover.

Answered Submission
Oh dear,

I understand how you must be feeling. He was your first, and it is hurting now. I think what happened is for the good. Honestly, there's no use in wasting your time and energy on something or someone you know isn't going to work out.

Did he do right by breaking it off? Probably.

As for the pain, I suggest you don't over think about the breakup. Letting people go hurts whether they're a significant other or a friend. Just because he was your first, it doesn't mean he was bound to be your last, love! You, my darling, are learning. Just think of this situation as a small trial before the actual exam. If you have failed now, you know why and what went wrong. Maybe he wasn't right for you, or maybe you weren't right for him? You never know!

The point is: You'll know to be careful from now on.

You are beautiful, so value yourself, and wait for the right one. Prioritize yourself, focus on your dreams, and spend time with friends and family.

If you're hurting really bad, try going on a long drive all alone. That helps people think straight. If it doesn't help, try to find something, perhaps an activity, that would help distract you. Hang out with friends, watch funny YouTube videos more often, or play more video games! :)

In addition, sweety, know that cutting NEVER helps. You have to understand that you are depending on your physical pain to forget your emotional pain. Your body takes THREE days to produce blood cells, and it has to make effort to get them ready. Are you going to let it go for a waste? Love yourself; what is meant by that is to not self harm. No matter how much you are hurting right now, you WILL get through it. No pain lasts for long unless you THINK you won't get your happiness back. Look out your window and see how beautiful the nature is; let the sky calm your spirit. Breathe.  You'll get there. We'll get there.

With Love,

The Advice Column Team

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