
118 11 5

Advice Request
This person says that they laugh are death/gore scenes because they find them funny rather disgusting. They enjoy looking at organs, blood, knives, etc. They're concerned about their mental health but are too afraid people (especially their family) would think they're a psychopath.

Answered Submission
Hi. :)

I hope everything goes well for you in the future.

Our team aren't trained psychologists whatsoever, and thus, we have no right to give you any advice as to whether looking at these things is psychologically abnormal or not. Thus, we STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU SEEK A PSYCHOLOGIST TO SEE IF EVERYTHING IS OKAY OR NOT. What we can also tell you is that your health is MORE IMPORTANT than what anyone thinks of you, so tell your family, especially your parents, that you're concerned. If they are passive about it, talk to an adult you trust; tell them that you want to know whether you should be concerned or not, and so for this reason, you want to talk to a professional.

Lastly, do not accept advice from anyone but a professional (or even multiple professionals are fine). No one has the right to diagnose you with anything except a person who has enough knowledge to.


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