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Advice Request
This person told their crush about their feelings. Their crush said they knew they had feelings for them, so this person isn't sure what that means.

Answered Submission
Hi there!

I'm so happy that you decided to ask her out! You should be extremely proud of yourself. Okay, first thing's first, you have to let her know that she can take as much time as she needs to figure out her feelings. Pressuring her can turn you into the bad guy, and we don't want that. The fact that she already knew you liked her is a great sign! She hasn't ghosted you or distanced herself, from what you've told me. This can be for one of two reasons: she doesn't like you back romantically but values your friendship, OR she has a crush on you too but doesn't know how to admit it. We're hoping for the latter! If she hasn't talked to you about it for two weeks, I think it's fair to say that she just wants to be friends. And that's okay too, because there are billions of people out there just waiting to meet you.

We wish you only the best!

The Advice Column Team

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