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Advice Request
This person likes their friend but is scared to tell them about it.

Answered Submission
Hi there!

Starting off, you need to figure out if you have anxiety. Contact your doctor about it. It's better to get a professional diagnosis than to have a self diagnosis. If you do have anxiety, I recommend doing breathing exercises.

Now, onto the boy. One thing I've learned is, when you have feelings towards someone, you should always follow up on them with actions. The reasoning behind this is that you can lose them—maybe to another girl. If he truly cares about you and you trust him, then you should tell him about your anxiety. Tell him about your feelings for him as well. I understand how it feels to be in love or to like a boy. If he doesn't return the feelings, he isn't worth it. You only live once, so take the chance.

I hope all goes well, Darling. Have a beautiful day!

Good luck!

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