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Advice Request
This girl says she thinks there is this one boy who likes her. He has touched her before, but she doesn't like it when others touch her. This did not stop him from touching her again. He tends to stare at her a lot, and when she catches him starting, he smirks at her. She isn't sure what to do and needs help.

Answered Submission
Oh, darling, I am hurt that you are going through this. I can empathize with you so much that I am left speechless.

Please know that anyone who touches you in any way you do NOT want them to, especially when you told them not to, is harassing you. The fact that this boy touched you even though you told him you didn't like it when other people touch you means that is sexually harassing you. Some people think sexual assault is only limited to rape or touching. The truth is that any sort of unwanted sexual behavior is counted as sexual harassment/assault. You, as a human and female, have every right to own your own body. No one can do anything with you or your body without your permission--even look at it.

This means you need to confront this boy one last time. Tell him to stop looking at you and touching you. If you already tried that, then you need to take things to a trusted adult if you are a minor. A trusted adult includes your parents! Let them know what's going on so they can help you report this to the police station. This boy needs to face consequences for doing such a thing to you, so do not let him live on doing these things to you. If you are not a minor, then report this problem to the police station yourself.

Never accept such behavior from anyone. No one own's your body but yourself. Anyone who attempts to take advantage of you or your body must face consequences for fooling around in such a disgusting manner. Act fast and act smart.

I hope this problem is solved. Please don't stay silent about it!

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