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Advice Request
This person is self- conscious about themselves and the way they look and wish to change that.

Answered Submission
This is an awesome question I think a lot of people could benefit from.

Being self-conscious about the way you look is completely normal. Everybody—and I mean every single human being that has walked the earth—has had an insecurity.

There is no definite way to answer this question. I, myself, haven't yet mastered the art of appreciating what I look like, but I will try my best.

Loving your body and the way it looks takes a lot of time, confidence, and resilience.

I don't know what you don't like about your body specifically, but see if you can modify it. Is it your acne? Change the way you eat, and cleanse frequently.

If what you don't like about your body is not changeable, this is where it becomes difficult.

I'm afraid the only solution to this is to just get used to it. One day, you're going to look in the mirror and think, "Wow, I look great today!" This will happen if you just gain confidence over time and brush aside your flaws, knowing that your beautiful features and personality outweigh them all.

Just a thought: maybe you're scrutinizing yourself. We are our own biggest critics, after all. Maybe you just have to stop looking so closely. Chances are other people aren't as focused on that specific part as you are.

We hope you gain a sense of comfortability with your body in the near future!

The Advice Column Team.

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