December 9

983 49 8

[hey guess what I'm not dead! ahaha! what, did you think that you could get rid of me that easily?]

Dear Diary,

I spent the day playing video games on the group server that I share with the states. Florida, Ohio, and Idaho were on, too, so we played the original version of Rampage on the computers that we reprogrammed a bit to make it more interesting. Since it was the original we could only take over the US and not the whole world. And yes, there was plenty of vital regions jokes made. Also, I would like for it to be known that I only lost because I didn't want to beat them horribly with my awesome powers of awesomeness. Oh and we had headsets so we could talk the entire time and not have to rely on chat boxes, which is nice.

I tried eating today, but threw it up again about two minutes later. Why can't I just function properly without all of these god damn problems all the time. It's just... frustrating!

...I'm not sure what brought this memory up, but I was just thinking about that time when I was a bartender during the prohibition. I owned and ran a little speakeasy in downtown New York. You know, I was a pro at hiding things way back in the day. Sometimes I would even bring York and Jersey down to help out or something, but only on weekdays and during the day. Yes, I know that they are the same age as me, but I still feel older than them, and they respect that(most of the time). I think that they had a lot of fun playing a little 'hide the alcohol' game that they would play in the back room. And we ran a restaurant during the day so people would be less suspicious of us when people came later at night when we sold our booze. Little details, people. Little details.

But seriously I have no idea what made me think of that. I guess my brain decided I needed to write it down or something.

Anyways so after we played Rampage for the entire morning, I logged off and went out for a run with Nasa. I put her on a leash since we ran through the city, but she is obedient enough that she doesn't need it. She is almost thirty years old, mind you, and only the second physical personification of my space program. The first one was male*, and he died on a scouting mission that I used him for back in Vietnam. Poor thing.

I remember being super excited when I found him sitting all nice and neat on the front step so I brought him inside. He didn't have a collar or a chip or anything, and he was the cutest puppy ever. And he gave off an aura similar to those that the countries give off but it was really weak and fluxuated with his mood, but I didn't pay attention to it. It took me TWELVE years to figure out that he was not a regular dog. Twelve. Years. Sadly, I only figured it out a little before his death, so the information wasnt worth anything until I found the new Nasa. The only difference between the two is that she has a splash of white on her nose.

God maybe I really AM an old man, what with all of this reminiscing and such. I feel like going out on my porch and shaking my cane at the neighborhood kids who are always on my lawn. Pfffttt ahahaha

-An old-as-hell man


*direct reference to checkmate, just for those who read it and wondered why that nasa is male and this one is female. I don't think anyone cared but now you know.

more updates to be coming out today. probably two more but maybe another one for another story

Speaking of other stories what should I name the story to go with secrets out? I have zero ideas and have been thinking about it for a while

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