February 3

629 33 18


Dear Diary,

Did you know that it takes 7 1/2 hours to fly from Chicago to London? Did you know that Vatican city is the smallest official country in the world? Did you know that the Mongol Conquest was the second deadliest war in history, losing only to Word War II?

I was doing a lot of having violent and over-realistic flashbacks today so I decided that I would try to snap myself out of it by actually doing some historical research about the others for a while and maybe be able to compare myself to them and realize that they have been around longer than I have and that they have been through a lot more that I could ever dream of. It worked, kind of, but then I spent the rest of the day looking up the most random facts ever. I came across some Cold War stuff later and got sucked back into it (which is why I said kind of).

I was right when I said that I would get bored a few states in and go do something else, btw.

There's a really big problem with fake news and click-bating, especially here in the United States. It's giving people incorrect information about incredibly inmportant things and causing way too many unnecesarry  problems. My favorite: Better Dead Than Red. Now, this has nothing to do with the Soviets and their failure-ness. No, this is actualy about YouTube Red and hacing to pay for it. There have been click bait news stories about how it's hurting Youtubers and making things worse for the company, but where is the actual data? There isn't any.

But on a completely unrelated note, I was walking by a school today and saw through the window that there was this girl who had folded about twenty different paper swans, all different sizes, and had them lined up on her desk from smallest to largest. It was a pretty awesome feat, if you ask me. It's been quite a long time since I've done origami. I don't think that I remember how to make a swan...

I plan on visiting Mattie for a while, if he'll have me. I want to be close to someone that I can trust for a little while, while I still have people to trust. I'm kind of worried about my relationship with Jett, since my president is a dumbass and is picking fights with anyone and everyone that he can.



I have a really bad idea. don't ask and don't try to stop me. just know that I have it.

would any of you be interested in reading a rusame human/vampire au that I'm writing? if not then I wont post it, but if so i'll try to get the first chapter out within the weekend.

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