November 17

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[just thought this was cute and wanted to share it with you guys]

Dear Diary

Today was odd. I woke up to complete silence, which hasn't happened since... Actually, I don't think I've ever woken up to complete silence. Even when I travel, I usually get hotels in the city or go with someone. But no, today it was complete and utter crushing silence.

So I quickly got up and ran downstairs, only to find every last one of the states sleeping on the floor with a bunch of dirty dogs that I didn't recognize. It would have been the cutest thing, but the dogs all looked like strays. I took a picture anyways.

Then I woke them all up and asked them where they got the dogs. They wouldn't tell me until a assured them that they could keep them. I found out that they were every dog in the local pet shelter, which they broke into last night. That must be why I was missing about a thousand dollars and they were all asleep in the living room.

We had fun trying to bath them all so there was soap and water all over the house and now the basement is dedicated to the animals. Pretty awesome, right?   Now that I think about it, I don't know if I'll be able to keep them all here. I think I'm going to make a few of them go to the house in the Midwest, because it had the biggest yard and the least amount of people who visit. I mean, other than the states themselves.

So yeah not much else happened today other than dogs, so not much to report. Which is good, because that means that there's no way that I could get depressed. Dogs are awesome. I am awesome. You are awesome. Everything is awesome. Except England's cooking. That is very un-awesome.

SPEAKING OF UNAWESOME THINGS me and Prussia and Denmark are going out to reap havoc upon Canada! Well, Matthew may or may not actually see us, but we'll be in his country. He might track us down, though. We aren't exactly quiet when we get together.

Who should I leave in charge while I'm gone? Maybe Texas, but maybe Mass. Not DC, because he's going through a strange transition and will be... odd, in the mind for a while. Probably until February, when he should be back to normal.

But I'm going to play with the dogs and the states for a little while longer before I have to let them all leave to their respective places. Maybe I'll have more to write about tomorrow, who knows?

-the awesomest of the awesome trio


I got an a on my bio test but I think I have a math test tomorrow. But that's okay, because I'm good at math! But what I'm more concerned about is the scholastic bowl tournament that is also tomorrow. I am going to harness the power of the knowledge gods and hope that luck doesn't fail me.

I really hope I have enough ideas to make the next update a little better and longer.

ciao ciao all!

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