September 29

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Dear Diary,

Today is the happiest I've been in a long time. Of course the mild depression of my citizens is still there, but my own personal depression is dormant. It feels great.

Right now, we are stopped so we can eat. Nasa is learning to catch fish from Kuma. She seems to be doing pretty good, for this being her first time. But she learns at an accelerated rate, because of what she represents.

It seems that Canada remembers that I'm not completely stupid and worthless. Even though these are his woods, he askes me for directions and things sometimes. I'm so happy he thinks I can do these things. Like you have no idea.

I was thinking about some of the other countries today, because when we get back there is to be a meeting in Ontario. I was wondering why all of the countries are so afraid of Russia, and they are willing to laugh at me. I mean, I'm a superpower, too! I can stand toe-to-toe with Russia, and not even feel intimidated. Hell, I instigate things with him all the time just for the fun of it! How many others can say that? Maybe I should pull the mask off next time, eh? Maybe bring my favorite silver pistol, the one with the polished wooden handle and the black crescent moon near the trigger. It shoots the loudest.

But maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I should keep them thinking that I am dumb and worthless. It's a good tactic for keeping the element of surprise. But then, they will still laugh at me... I just don't know. I guess I'll bring the gun just in case.

Nasa and the bear came back with a few extra fish. Canada bet me I wouldn't eat one raw. I'm going to go do that now, so I'll write to you tomorrow, okay?

-That country south of Canada

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