January 25

671 39 93

[note at end]


Dear Diary,

You remember Brexit, right? You know, when England left the EU and it was a terrible idea and then sparked a bunch of 'hold my beer' memes between the two of us? Yeah, that. It was a pretty bad idea, right? Well, someone from the house is trying to push for the US (me) to leave the UN. Honestly, I think that some countries would take that the wrong way and start to get scared. And no one acts rationally when subdued with fear.

Not only that, but Cheeto signed his first executive order today. Ya know what? The guy was fucking serious when he said that he was going to erect a wall and (try to) make Mexico pay for it. No joke, that's what he did today. Here we go, the first step backwards. Into more debt, conflict, racism, everything we've been working to get past for the last hundred or more years.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love America. It's pretty, there's always something to do or see, the people are nice and hospitable, there's a state and a climate to fit everyone's tastes; it's almost paradise. Almost.  It would be, but our government is filled with corrupt businessmen who are almost all middle-aged, male, and white. I love you guys, but please, stop while you're ahead.

And he's going to try to pass the bill with Canada for that pipeline that's going to destroy the North American Environment. It's not even been that long since the oil spill up in Canada that did some stuff. You'd think he'd be more careful or something.

But yeah that's what I spent my Wednesday doing today. I have decided that I don't like being in the same room as my boss for very long.

On a lighter note, there was a job listing for Cards Against Humanity that was specifically designed for Obama to take, if he wants it. It had requirements like 'must have at least eight years experience in the oval office' and shit. Ah, I love American humor. I hope he takes it; it has good pay and benefits and stuff.

God I miss Barry already. He was at least fun to hang out with, if nothing else. And Michelle and the girls, they were cool, too. 10/10 would elect again.



Hello. My name is Elyssa, know as Spiritmoon23, nickname Spirit.

My birthday is on February 24.

I am 5'10", with short blue hair thick black glasses and gray eyes that sometimes turn pale purple.

I wear a hoodie, dark blue jeans, and night sky converse every day.

I don't speak up, don't like to be touched, and hold my friends close so they don't abandon me.

I have two dogs that I love more than the world, a little brother who is everything that everyone else wishes I was, a mother who is a lot like me, and a father that doesn't quite understand.

I am learning Russian and Spanish, as well as being a native English speaker and picking up words from wherever I see them.

I write fanfiction and publish it almost every day, looking forward to the feedback that I know I'll get from it.

I am also stressed, depressed, and anxious.

I don't sleep full nights or eat breakfast or lunch.

but I'm okay.

I'm okay.

I don't need help. I don't need someone to cry to, or hold hands with, or touch.

but I'm tired. So, so tired.

tired of being something that others look up to.

tired of waking up every day and going back to sleep at night.

tired of talking to people I do and don't know.


Why am I telling you this? Because you need to know that this is who I am. I need you to know.


Hello, my name is Elyssa. You know me as Spiritmoon23, and I am the author of this book.

and you have become my last motivation.

I'll see you again tomorrow.

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