[that other deviant chapter]

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I pre-apologize for any formatting errors. I had to write this one in m word, so it might be a little off

"Alfred," a familiar voice whispered, petting his head. He opened his eyes, looking up at his two companions.

"Alfred, are you alright? Is it the dress? Alfie, talk to us," the voice said again. America groaned and sat up.

"Boston..." he whispered, looking down at the crumpled fabric draped over the edge of the box. Alfred reached out, picking up the small dress and holding it up to his chest. Both of his states looked at him with confusion. They had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.

"Boston, way back just before the revolution, had it's own personification. She was the brightest little thing, always being at the forefront of the country. When someone said America, they thought of Boston."

"But, Alfred, we already know that. We were personified long before this happened, you know. But we never once saw a personification of Boston. Only the colonies," New York cut in.

"I know. The only one who knew about her was Mass, and that was only because he was the one who found her."

"Why didn't you introduce us to her, then?" asked Jersey.

"She was a personified city, not a state or nation. I didn't think that she would be strong enough to survive for very long. So, I decided to wait to introduce her to you all until after the citizens calmed down a little. Obviously, we never got that chance.

"You see, one day we were just watching the people, nothing more and nothing less, when they began to gather around some redcoats in the street. Being the curious thing she was, she asked if we could go see what was going on. We went, and that's when... that's when they let the first shot fire. Then another, then another. It hurt, feeling all of this as such a new nation, and I was overwhelmed. Because of this, I lost sight of her, and didn't find her for a whole minute of frantic searching," he paused and took a breath, steadying his trembling voice.

"Finally, when I did find her, she was slumped against a wall, having been shot. This wouldn't have been a big deal, but it was England-"

"Damn that fucking deserter"

"-who had fired the shot. So I held her there as she died in this very dress. I couldn't bear losing any of you as well. I think that is what gave me enough drive to beat England in that war. As much as I hate to admit it, her death won us the war, and in turn, our independence."

New Jersey was holding back tears while the twins comforted their brother. Even though they had never met her, they knew she had meant a lot to Alfred.

"Why is it that I can never manage to make it through cleaning my house one  time? That's all I ask, is one time without being reminded of some war or another. Is that too much of a request?" he sighed, standing and placing the white dress back in it's box, along with the rest of them.


Omake (bonus)

America picked up a small stuffed dog, brushing off its coarse fur.

"Hey, Anthony! Do you remember when I made you and your brother these matching dogs?" He asked, tossing the toy over to his younger sibling.

Anthony smiled a little, looking the animal over. "Yeah, I remember. We were so happy to get them, and have them matching. It was kind of funny how excited we both were about it. Do you remember, Jersey?"

"Pfft," he scoffed, "Of course I remember! It's not like I still have mine sitting on the shelf in my room or anything." New York rolled his eyes.

"Of course you do."


Okay this is the last update that wont be in diary format. Everything goes back to normal tomorrow.


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