January 19

652 36 47


Dear Britain,

I'm sorry I left you alone in the rain.

Dear Russia,

I'm sorry I'll never be as good as you are to me.

Dear Canada,

I'm sorry for putting you in my shadow.

Dear France,

I'm sorry I wont ever be able to repay you for all of the things that you've done for me.

Dear Japan,

I'm sorry for the bombs.

Dear Germany,

I'm sorry for the wall and the over-demanding treaties.

Dear China,

I'm sorry for all the debt and the western expansion.

Dear Prussia,

I'm sorry we took your countryship status away.

Dear People,

I'm sorry that I'm not something that you can call your own with pride.

Dear World,

I'm sorry that your only superpower is a worthless pile of debt and depression.*

That I can't be trusted to make an actual decision through the haze of stupidity that is my mind.

That I am constantly eating, thus making myself fatter and more unsightly and unpleasant to be around.

That I am loud and annoying and violent.

That I am.

I'm sorry.

I'm so, so sorry.



*me in four years in college

ive had a... bad... day, so alfred also had a bad day.

I wanna fucking die

But the thing is, i know that im overreacting about it all, and really im just fine. Hell, i know people who are perfectly happy knowing that they'll never be where i am now, but I hold my expectations for myself so high, higher than anyone else. and I know im ranting now, so ill stop here.

The Diary of a depressed nationHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin