January 27

582 34 117


Dear Diary,

Do American's really eat dinner that much earlier than everyone else? I mean, it's a good time to eat; everyone's home, none of your after school practices have started yet(or they've already ended), now it's time to get together and kick off the night eating and laughing. What's not to like? Although, there's a lot of people nowadays that don't get together and eat like this anymore, which makes me kind of sad. I mean, this is a pivotal part of American culture! You can't just ignore it!

Also, and I think I've mentioned this before, what's with lemonade in other countries? Like, they don't actually have it. They just have sprite and sprite-like products. No lemonade. Then, what do they do when life gives them lemons?!?!?

Now I've gone and made myself sad because of how little my culture gets integrated into others. They really don't like me much. Well, except for the fact that there's Mcdonald's everywhere. The foreign ones are really cool, with certain items that are tailored to their respective areas. That happens in America, too. But the Midwest doesn't have anything special since they're like known for hamburgers and not something special like the lobster that you can get up in Maine.

OHOHOHOH I found a pun that works in a bunch of languages! Here it is:

English:  Where to cats go when they die? purrgatory!

Spanish: ¿De dónde van los gatos cuando mueren? Purgatorio!

Italian: Dove vanno I gatti quando muoiono? nel purgattorio!

French: oú vont les chats quand ils meurent? Au Purchattoire!

Portuguese: Para onde os gatos vão quando morrem? para o purgatorio!

And that's what I do when I'm trying to find new people to suggest to be appointed for foreign ambassador.

I've noticed that I'm talking a lot about other countries and their languages recently, and I'm not sure why. Oh well, who cares.

You know what? Having the Trump administration is causing me quite a lot of extra paperwork, and I don't particularly appreciate it. And now there's a bunch of neo-nazis sprouting up all over the damn place.

I thought that I was the land of the free?



translingual puns are the best things

alright ive been thinking: if I say something that makes you uncomfortable or offends you in some way, PLEASE TELL ME!! I cannot stress that enough. I don't want to lose readers because of something that I mentioned once. Please do not hesitate to tell me when something is wrong and I'm at fault; I wont love you any less.

also, fuck this, man. what the hell happened. You guys have been in power for a fucking week. god damn.

ummmmm one more thing-----if you ever want someone to talk to bc ur bored or something, message me. my highschool allows us to have our phones during the day, as long as theyre not out during class, and I don't usually sleep all that much, so times don't really matter. and you wont offend me(at least, I haven't been offended yet, sooo) and I like to talk. it doesn't even matter what about. but I'm awkward, so beware

ciao!! >-<*

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