December 30

814 41 11

[Happy birthday Russia! Also, I just got home about two minutes ago so I'm going to try to get this out quickly]
12:05 am
Dear diary,

Finally, a moment to myself (sort of)! I do like to have company, or at least a companion, most of the time, but I also like peace and quiet sometimes. It's good for the soul, you know?

I celebrate Russia's birthday with him. It has come to my attention that he doesn't really celebrate goods birthday anymore, you know, since he's, like, super old and stuff. I can't let that slide, so I took him out to do it right, the American way! But not overly American, because he's Russian, not American, and they do things different over there probably.

So I took him out to this fairly nice place. Not nice like 'wear nice clothes and be all proper and whatnot'. More like the 'this little place is really cute and homey and I think I would come back here for the friendly, family-like atmosphere' kind of nice, which is always better.

But then I made brownies with powdered sugar instead of cake because brownies are AWESOME and there's too much cake in a cake and I didn't want to take the chance that I ate the whole thing since I already weigh too much. At least with brownies you don't even have the chance to consume as much substance. And hey, dense chocolate goodness is always welcome, no matter what anyone else says.

Then after that we climbed up on the roof like we did at his house and looked at the stars. We're still in Alaska, mind you, so it was pretty cold, but it's really pretty up there without as much air and light pollution. What more could you expect from space geeks?

We would have fallen asleep up there had the doorbell not rung, but it did. It was just BC asking if he left his favorite hat there.(he did, btw)

Then we went to bed. I know, a bit anticlimactic, especially for me. All I can say is that Ivan is  surprisingly warm for someone who is said to be so cold.

-Alfred *yawn* is tired

That took way longer to write than I thought it would... Oh well.
So I'm going to start writing 'just a little longer' again, and it's a rusame fic that I(obviously) am writing. Its not that bad, i don't think, but I'm not good at judging my own work

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