October 27

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Dear diary,
Sorry I was out yesterday, but I was really REALLY sick. Like I couldn't even stand by myself it was that bad. I think I'm starting to get over it now though, which is good.
Tony came back from his abduction travels today. I just hope he keeps it down; my head really hurts. It's like having a hangover but without the fun beforehand. Yep, it sucks.
I really need to stop this being sick business. It's taking away from work and space play. I have clearance to go back to space if I want and visit for a while. I might do that soon.
I wanted to go flying, but Florida wouldn't allow it. God he's like a mother or something.
Speaking of the states, all fifty of them, (and the territories of course) came over to see me while I was sick. That's awful nice of 'em. England never did that when I was younger...
God im tired. I think I'm going to go to bed before I fall asleep in front of the toilet that I've been nonstop throwing up into for the past while now. Goodnight
-America the sick and maybe dead

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