September 27

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Dear Diary,

My episodes of crippling depression are the worst. I can't even bring myself to get out of bed even once. I guess it's a little better than when I go insane. At least if I'm depressed I remember everything I did.

The last time I went crazy was a while ago. I think it was around the cold war era. That sounds about right... Russia knows what I'm like when that happens. It's no good for anyone, really. I can't control my actions, or remember what happened  when it ends. It truly scares me to think of what I could do, and what I have done, to the people around me.

I tended to my garden again today. I find it to be calming, and relaxing to a point. The tomatoes didn't do very well this year, sadly. Neither did the carrots. My corn didn't do that bad, though it's done better. My sunflowers are looking good, but I fear that I planted them too late, and the season will be over before they get pretty.

I still hear the voice. It isn't going away, or getting quieter, but it hasn't gotten much louder, which is good. I think I'll talk to Russia about it soon. But it will have to be after the trip.

OH Yea! I asked Canada if he would go on a hiking trip with me yesterday, ad he said yes! I'm so excited for it! Of course, I'll bring you along! I don't think that I could live without you. I'll also bring Nasa so she can help me hunt and other dog stuff. Can't wait so excited aaahhhhhhhhhh!

-Alfred Jones


I'm sorry I was gone, but I'm back now! ^w^

Anywho, that's it. goodbye, and tune in next time!

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