November 26

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Dear Diary

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday, but I was making sure all of the states got home safely and stuff. Like seriously, that is one of the hardest things to organize without having any mishaps. It gets rather taxing.

As usual, it's now just me, Nasa, DC, Alaska, and Hawaii. Everyone else went home or to their region's group house. The one in the gulf and the one in the Midwest are the most frequented by the states. But that's not to say that the other ones aren't used, because they most definitely are.

Thankfully, most of the states were gone by about three or so, because Russia came over to see me again. It's so nice that he would fly  all the way from Moscow just to put up with me and all of my problems. You see, this is why I fell for him. He always treats me so much better than most everyone else is. Except for maybe Japan and Lithuania. Oh Canada, too. They're pretty cool.

But while he was here Alaska challenged him to a game of chess, which he blew just for her. Isn't that so nice? It was the cutest thing to see her determined expression like that. I think Hawaii is still afraid of the other countries, though, because she hid the entire time. Poor thing. I still feel so bad that I couldn't protect her from the war. I failed as an older brother, but they all still love me, and that's more than I could ever ask for.

But Ivan stayed the night, which was cool. I woke up early today because of my insomnia, and I decided to check on Hawaii and Alaska. I would have checked on DC, too, but he was out probably with the president trying to make sure things are organized for the transition in January. I'm not looking forward to explaining the whole personification situation to that idiot, but I've got to do it.

Anyway so I was checking up on Alaska, because she was the second door, and saw her  curled up on Ivan's chest on the floor, and they were both wrapped up in his scarf. It was so kawaii!!~ So I took a picture and posted it on everything ever. It got quite a few likes and comments. Mostly 'Is that RUSSIA??!' coming from the other countries. A few of my more excitable and otaku-like states were fangirling over it. I don't think I've ever seen him so vulnerable before.

So today I made breakfast. Russian, of course, because Alaska and Russia were both there. We had a Hawaiian lunch, though, to see if I could get Hawaii to come out of her shell a little in someone else's presence. It kind of worked a little bit. She didn't go hide again afterwards, which was good. But she didn't say anything the rest of the day, which is bad news.

This entry has been long enough and I've got to go, but I'll talk to you again later, okay?



i finally got a computer! i should be able to catch up on my updates today, i think

The Diary of a depressed nationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ