October 6

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I am the one hiding under your bed,  teeth  ground sharp and eyes glowing red~

How do I escape this eternam nightmare?

I am the one hiding under your stairs, fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair

Why can't I just wake up?

I am the clown with the tear-away face, here in a flash and gone without a trace

Please, help me end this madness!

I am the 'who' when you call "Who's there?

Why can't you just leave me alone!?

I am the wind blowing through your hair

Please... go away... leave me be...

I am the shadow in the moon at night, filling your dreams to the brim with fright

Nowhere to hide... Nowhere to go

Everybody scream! Everybody scream!

That's all I can do anymore.

Scratching at the walls, clawmarks along my back.

^Pretty blades carving beautiful red lines along my skin^

Why wont this torture stop!?

^Love the pain, love the abuse^

Cant stop cant stop now

how do you deal with this for so long?!

What to do what to do

Don't touch me!

^come closer^

Stay away!

^touch me hurt me^

I cant make it stop!

^Don't stop^

Help me!





Cold... so cold...

^Fires burn the bodies lying around me^

What to do what to do

don't know don't know

help me

^hurt me^

Why wont this end!? please, make it end.

h   e   l   p   m   e

H   E   L   P    M   E


^Goodbye my beauty~ Its my turn to shine now~^

So cold.....

^So warm, so nice^

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