October 3

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Dear Diary,

We left the woods tonight. Canada insisted on me staying at his house since it's so late, so I agreed after a while of arguaing. I'm glad he really wants me to stay. Or maybe he's just being polite. Either way, I get to spend one more night with him anyway. He says I can just borrow one of his dressier outifts because we wear the same size.

I guess I'm going to have to put off seeing the states for another few days. When we get back, I'm going to have another cross-country family day. I'm glad we all get along pretty well, especially since England and his siblings don't. Where should I have it? probably Arizona. It's still pretty warm down there, and we could swim in the pool. I'll have everyone who wants to make something from their state and bring it. They like to do that, it lets them get closer to each other through food. I like to do that too.

Nasa was so exhausted when we got back. She didn't even make it to the stairs before just falling asleep! I carried her up, though. If I didn't, she would be up at four in the morning running around frantically and barking and going on. I don't think either of us would live through that experience.

I saw a few of the provinces on my way to my room. I think they might have been instructed to leave at least me alone for the night, which I am grateful for. I'll have to say hi to them before we leave in the morning.

I'm going to talk to everyone tomorrow, and it's givig me anxiety. I made a copy of my little speech so I could give one to Germany, since he is the one who ends up running the meetings anyway. Maybe he'll like it. I hope so, considering the fact that I worked really hard on it. It's about a possible solution for our over-dependency on fossil fuels and oil. We as a country have even started putting some of these things into place.

I think I'm going to go back to NASA for a while and help work on some of the newer missions. They are getting really interesting. Ah, who am I kidding? They're always interesting! It's space!

I think I'm going to go to Europe for a little while after this meeting is over. I'll bring a few states, of course. Maybe bring Alaska and visit her other dad? I'll ask her if she wants to go. First, though, I should probably ask Russia if he wants to see her. He probably will, but I don't know for sure. He might not want anything to do with her, who knows?

I feel like this entry has been long enough, and I'm tired, so I'm going to go to sleep. Just as a precaution, I'm putting you under the mattress until I wake up tomorrow, okay? Good night.

good night all! cant wait to see you again tomorrow! ciao~

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