September 10

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Dear Diary,

The Northern states offered to help look for Canada while they made me take a break. I was almost to the place where I thought I might find him. The other countries keep telling me to eat something, or try to make me laugh. I won't. If I eat, I'll throw it right back up, and I don't think that I'll be able to laugh again until we find him.

I found out from France that Matthew's death had been a suicide. I felt awful for not noticing before now. I hate to say it, but I started cutting again. It was really bad this time, too, and I still have the bandages around my arms. When the others ask, I tell them I was attacked by a dog with rabies, and that's why they hadn't healed yet. They all seem to believe it, for the most part. Or they're to afraid to ask.

I think seeing me this way makes them afraid... I don't want that, so I insisted on being alone for this. The states wouldn't allow this, but I can trust them, so it's alright, I guess. I noticed Russia kept looking at me. Every time I caught him, I glared and he smiled. It confused me, because all of the other countries, including England, shied away from me when I gave them that look. This must be payback for when I called him a little kitten when he was angry...

I'm just so sad. I wonder if I'll be able to slip away with no one noticing... maybe I could cut again with my pretty little razor....... I just don't know anymore... What should I do?! What if I cant find him?! What then?! I NEED HIM! HELP ME!!!

[author says there was more, but it was scratchy, barely legible, and too much. She says sorry but it's for the better.]

-the one who doesn't know how much more he can take...

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