November 30

960 48 27

Dear Diary,

So, after about 36 hours of straight searching, we found the states in a small bunker-type area tied to support columns. I couldn't ask them who it was because they didn't have any tounges and their eyes were blinded. It hurt me to see it. I swear I will end whoever did this.

On a bit of a lighter note, they all are doing quite well, and should be completely back to normal very soon. Hopefully then they can tell me what happened. I would just have them write it or something, but I fear that they are in too much of a shock and their bodies might start to work against them. That would be no good.

I spent the entire day after we found them trying to clean up their house a little so they can at least come home to something decent. And I did it alone. It's a bit easier to let go of yourself when you put it to good use. I even got to listen to some top and fob, which I like a lot recently. It helps me to not freak out when I listen to music really loudly and do something with myself. Not necessarily cleaning, but generally not destroying.

Now that I think about it, how could someone kidnap states ? Like, I can imagine maybe just Rhode Island or Connecticut, but not ALL of them all at ONCE. I'm kind of suspicious that it might have been a personification, though which one I do not know. They did a good job of hiding who they are, so unless I get word from one of the states themselves, I don't think I'll ever find out. That's how well they hid themselves.

You see, this is exactly why I didn't want to introduce the states to the rest of the world. Not because they couldn't handle it, but because someone might try to take them to get to me. If that's what they're going for, then they aren't thinking very well.

I think that I need to go out for a run to calm myself down. Yes, I know it's winter and cold out; that doesn't mean I care. I might be out for a while and maybe pass out on a park bench, so if someone needs to find me, tell them that I took my usual route number two. sshhhh they know what I'm talking about.

So yeah going to run myself into oblivion now. Bye.



found them. I'm so exhausted from these last few days of nonstop homework and chores and not being able to sleep that these last few entries have just been senseless mumble-jumble from the back of my mind. Maybe I'll get more sleep tonight and not have one million homeworks tomorrow so I can put out something decent for once. Maybe Ill see you tomorrow.

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